Friday 8 November 2013

Roles of News and Media Organizations

1-Bring information to readers and viewers; with a plethora of platforms and mediums like the radio, television, internet, newspapers and magazines the variety to avail information to the public is also deep.
2-Educate and lead public in protecting human rights and freedom of the people; the desire for complete freedom and protection of human rights is a well written and researched topic in all public forums. News and Media organizations have to remind and sensitise the people on these issues.

3- An for medium or instrument of social change; here the scope for influence and adapting people’s views into the national conscience is profound.

4-Uphold moral and ethical values in society; morality and ethics form the base or foundation for integrity and self respect of any individual, group of people, or society.

5- Provide comprehensive, intelligent and a true account of events and news. News can be a short circuit for public disturbance and unrest if untrue. With such a responsibility news and media organizations like Patrika have an important role in shaping true accounts of happenings, events, news that only help to strengthen the code of morality in the community.

Patrika therefore with a far reaching imprint on the community’s psych has steadfastly built a rapport can only get stronger the years go by.

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